
all the pics here are all my own unless stated otherwise...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

plants and beach @ mtf n sen...

wow... so long din update...

aniway decided to use picasa web album..
love it... nice to use...

on 27th sep... i tink...

we went to take cable car to mount faber and then to sentosa to celebrate xiujuan's birthday...

here are the pics in a slideshow...

firstly is the plants...
a lot of pretty flowers there...
and unfortunately...
so are there a lot of insects... esp bees...

next are the beach....

have fun looking at the pics?

more coming soon...

Saturday, August 9, 2008

happy birthday, Singapore 08

went to esplanade yesterday (8 aug 08 ) with peikiat. xiujuan, yiwen, xinying n wenya...
the scenery pics first...

but before that...
today's national day!!!
Happy birthday Singapore!!!!!

Monday, July 14, 2008


as usual... every year at this time, my hse is able to see fireworks...
last year i tink it is in the middle of condor hero?
this year is in the middle of the legend...
miss a part of the story... haiz...

aniway... i tink it's on 6 july?
that sat...
we went to the top floor fro a better view...
i took 3 videos and pics of it...
cant upload the videos but nvr mind...

here's the pics...

these are in a sequence.. frm a bit to whole...


Friday, June 6, 2008


ok... i had changed my hp...
n while learning how to use it...
i kept miz judging the time for the hp to take the pic...
n hence my pics are all "moving"?

n i realize they actually look quite interesting!
a bit blurred...
look at the flats behind...
they are a bit distorted?
the trees i took with simply flipping my hp ard...
but moving it too fast...

tis pics were moved too fast..
like i m moving?

n the other day i took some pics as it was raining...
but my hp not gd enouf to see the rain...
n suddenly there was a flash of lightning n colour of the pic got changed...
umm... tis is dangerous! esp in an open field... i was at home but still shd not do it...
well...i guess i wont take ani more pics while raining...
n more blurred due to rain pics...
hope u all enjoy the pics... well... ja mata!

Thursday, February 7, 2008

stormy clouds....

ok... took some stormy clouds pics recently...

the clouds are mingling?

see the two types of clouds?

is it going to rain?
a view frm afar...

it is getting darker...
dark clouds in the sky...
clouds are made up of tiny water droplets...
little drops of water...
one drop, two drops , three drops...
bit by bit they gather...
clouds turn to dark colour...
n then it rains...
a person is like a dark cloud sometimes...
sometimes it is sunny and bright...
sometimes it will turn dark...
like a person's anger...
it might be like drops of water...
bit by bit.. it accumlates...
then the storm came... temper flew...
if the cloud lets the rain falls lightly,
instead of accumulating to a big thunderstorm,
would it be better?
wouuld it better to talk abt ur unhappiness
instead of keeping it to urself?
interactn w ppl is nvr easy...
but mayb it might be better if u let ur emotions out
instead of bottling them...
dark clouds in the sky...
a storm is on its way...
or is it just a drizzle?

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

materials n necklaces...

ok... as i was tidying my thgs... i came upon all these thgs....

n i tok pics... juz for fun...
n tok i put them on display here...



i prefer using the thin metal strips for pedants...
there's fishline as well, n normal strings...

and also elastic strings for the necklaces...

...n s is for star?

ok.... necklaces....

realize that some of my necklaces are realli old...
this one... i dunno have it for how long... quite long i tink... have it since i was in yj?

another one i had for veri long time...
i saw sth like tis in a bk... supposed to be a star constellations or sth...
but i made it badly... so seemed like a mermaid? or a person? haha... i had no idea... :p
ok... my attempt at a blue star... 1st attempt i tink...

then i try making bigger ones...
then i decided to make a clover...
turns out not veri alike ....

a four leaves clover...

tis is the 2nd one... i had one veri long time ago...
but i threw it away... so i made a same one again...

this is my latest attempt...

handmade thgs as part of the christmas gifts for zhui xing...
haha... how's it?