
all the pics here are all my own unless stated otherwise...

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


hi! welcome all to my photo gallery! for the first post!
it's rainbow!
there will be more pics taken w my hp or digitial camera...
so muz visit often :p

here's some pics of a rainbow n it's fading...

rainbow is colourful...
it's beautiful...
travel on the rainbow n u will find a pot of gold at the end...
but the journey is long...
the journey is tough...
only w perservance...
w endurance n determination...
will u finally reach the pot of gold...
can u reach it?

the rainbow mayb a friend...
one who needs understanding, patience n care...
one might not accept ur help...
might not want u to get closer...
might build ice walls ard one's heart...
tall walls that only warmth can melt...
can u do it?
if u do, u will have a wonderful gift-one's trust n friendship...
the pot of gold that's awaiting makes all ur work worthwhile...
so dun give up... n treasure it when u get it...

a rainbow comes after a rain...
gd thgs comes after bad thgs...
hold on to ur hope...
n spring will comes faster when it's winter...

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